My friends and I began our love affair with Kerbey Lane's queso in college. I usually require fajita meat in my queso or at least ground beef to make me happy. There's something about the queso blanco with guacamole that separates Kerbey Queso from others around town.

Kerbey Queso
Kerbey Lane is a convenient 24 hour joint that offers a pretty good breakfast menu, but I'm consistently underwhelmed. Sometimes, their seasonal menu seems promising, but everytime I order a cool sounding dish, I end up regretting not having ordered from the breakfast menu.
Case in point:
1) Duck Quesadillas-Shredded duck with caramelized onions, spinach, and aged white cheddar and tamarind chili dipping sauce.

Duck Quesadillas

Meatloaf Trifecta
Great idea, looks delicious, but somehow fails to pass the taste test.
Whereas something off the breakfast menu like the Eggsfrancisco is very satisfying. Maybe that's because it's topped with Kerbey Queso...

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